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Issue Title
News across Five Continents 10. Regional and Functional Variation - What do we Learn? Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 11. Concluding Remarks Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Appendix 1: Top Ten Keywords Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Appendix 2: Top 20 Place References per Variety Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Appendix 3: Ranges and Deviations Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Glossary Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Acknowledgements Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Abbreviations Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents List of Tables and Figures Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents Index Details
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents References Details
Jennifer Fest
Fabricating Authenticity Preface Abstract
Jason W.M. Ellsworth, Andie Alexander
Fabricating Authenticity Commodifying Authenticity Abstract
Jason W.M. Ellsworth, Andie Alexander
Fabricating Authenticity Do People Misunderstand their Own Religion? Abstract
Craig Martin
Fabricating Authenticity Naming Things Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Authenticity But is it Really Religion? Abstract
Savannah Finver
Fabricating Authenticity While Whitey's on the Moon Abstract
Annie Rose O'Brien
Fabricating Authenticity Donald Trump: A "Baby Christian"? Abstract
Leslie Dorrough Smith
Fabricating Authenticity An Orbiter is a Simp, a Foid is a Foid Abstract
Nevada Drollinger-Smith
Fabricating Authenticity On the Tyranny of Individualism: MAGA Boy, Media and the Drum Abstract
Matthew Sheedy
Fabricating Authenticity Symbols and Ownership Abstract
Yasmine Flodin-Ali
Fabricating Authenticity Because YOU'RE an Early Adopter (and I'M NOT): Commodity Fetishism and Identification Abstract
Christopher Cotter
Fabricating Authenticity Fool's Gold: Tapping into Luxury Abstract
Ping-hsiu Alice Lin
Fabricating Authenticity Marketing the Authentic Taco Abstract
Jason W.M. Ellsworth
Fabricating Authenticity A Remembrance of Dishes Past Abstract
Rachel Brown
Fabricating Authenticity Is there Lettuce in Greek Salad? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Authenticity Beyond Authenticity? Abstract
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Fabricating Authenticity "Maybe She's Born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline" Abstract
Tara Baldrick-Morrone
Fabricating Authenticity Satisfaction Not Guaranteed: COVID-19, Higher Ed and the Politics of "Experience" Abstract
Sierra Lynn Lawson
Fabricating Authenticity A Man, a Tan, "God's Plan" Abstract
Richard Newton
Fabricating Authenticity Just in It for a Paycheck?: On Philanthrocapitalism, Petro-States and Paid Protesters Abstract
Stacie Swain
Fabricating Authenticity "A Good Fake or a Bad Fake"? Abstract
Andie Alexander
Fabricating Authenticity Pay Attention!: Media, Performance and Discourses on Authenticity Abstract
Daniel Jones
Fabricating Authenticity If it's not Authentic, it's not a Religion Abstract
Teemui Taira
Fabricating Authenticity Rebranding Religion: Authenticity, Appropriation and the Marketplace Abstract
Zabeen Khamisa
Fabricating Authenticity Is there Neo-Nazi DNA? Ancestry Tests and Biological Essentialism in American Racism Abstract
Martha Smith
Fabricating Authenticity Making Sense of a Sense of Self Abstract
Israel Dominguez
Fabricating Authenticity The Moves we Make Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Fabricating Authenticity Trans* Muslims and Jessica Krug: Analyzing the Discursive Power of Authenticity Abstract
Hinasahar Muneeruddin
Fabricating Authenticity In Their Own Terms Abstract
Vaia Touna
Fabricating Authenticity Shaking a Buddhist House of Cards Abstract
Julia Oppermann
Fabricating Authenticity Afterword: A Little Heritage Goes a Long Way Abstract
Andie Alexander, Jason W.M. Ellsworth
Harmonic Minimalism Syntax is Optimality-theoretic Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Harmonic Minimalism Harmonic Minimalism Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Harmonic Minimalism Multiple Fronting Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Harmonic Minimalism Movement Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Harmonic Minimalism Agreement Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Harmonic Minimalism Gradient Symbolic Representations Abstract
Andrew Murphy
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Introduction: The Role of Context in Linguistics Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Context in Context: The History of Context in SFL Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Parameters of Context: The Place of Context in the Theoretical Architecture of SFL Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Functional Approaches to Context: Connections & Divergences between SFL and Other Approaches Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Modelling Context: Applying Context in Different Domains Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Challenges for Working with Context Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Context Looking Forward: Where to Now for Context? Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Foreword Abstract
J.R. Martin
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Introduction Abstract
Claire Acevedo, David Rose, Rachel Whittaker
Reading to Learn, Reading the World A Story of International Cooperation: Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education (TeL4ELE) Abstract
Claire Acevedo
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Working with Reading to Learn at Undergraduate Level in Spain: A Learning Journey Abstract
Rachel Whittaker, Isabel García-Parejo, Aoife Ahern
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Learning to Use Reading to Learn in Portugal Abstract
Carlos Gouveia, Marta Alexandre, Fausto Caels
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Bridging the Gap between Sign Language and Written Texts for Students who are Deaf or have a Hearing Loss Abstract
Ann-Christin Lövstedt
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Scaffolding a Long-term Professional Development Project in a Disadvantaged Swedish Context Abstract
Pernilla Andersson Varga, Annette Mitiche, Jaana Sandberg, Susanne Staf
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Bilingual Reading to Learn for ESL Latinx Immigrant Mothers in the United States Abstract
Andrés Ramírez , María Gabriela Gutiérrez
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Reading to Learn and Cognitive Approaches to Reading in the EFL Context: Engaging in Dialogue Abstract
Samiah Hassan, Cristina Boccia
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Reading to Learn in an Argentine Context: Implementing the Pedagogy in Primary Schools Abstract
Patricia Meehan, Angélica Gaido, Liliana Anglada, María Belén Oliva
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Maths Process Modelling: A Reading to Learn Curriculum Genre Abstract
Ingrid Westhoff, Raimundo Olfos
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Introducing Reading to Learn into Higher Education Teaching in the Colombian Caribbean Abstract
Sergio Álvarez Uribe, Norma Barletta, Teresa Benítez, Nayibe Rosado-Mendinueta
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Application of Reading to Learn Methodology in EFL Classrooms: A Bilingual Approach Abstract
Harni Kartika-Ningsih
Reading to Learn, Reading the World The Story of Reading to Learn in South Africa (RtLSA) Abstract
Mike Hart
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Scaffolding Pedagogic Change at School and System Level: Reading to Learn in Victoria, Australia. Abstract
Sarah Jane Culican
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Inclusion and Success for All Children: A Whole-School Approach Abstract
Ingrid Freeman, Jane Kelly
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Learning to Teach Abstract
David Rose
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Whole-School Implementation of Reading to Learn in a Secondary Context Abstract
Zena Carusi-Lees
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Equity-based Models of Teaching Literacy: Supporting EAL Students’ English Academic Writing Development with Reading to Learn Pedagogy Abstract
Tracey Millin
Reading to Learn, Reading the World Index Details
Claire Acevedo, David Rose, Rachel Whittaker
Red Book, Middle Way Introduction Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way The Middle Way in the Red Book and in the Buddha’s Quest Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way God as Integrative Archetype Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way The Wise: Elijah and Philemon Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Christ as the Middle Way Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way The Tree of Life and the Mandala Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Integrating the Shadow Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way The Soul and the Anima Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Death of the Hero Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Embodied Meaning and the Scholars Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Complaints of the Dead Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Gnostic versus Agnostic Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Towards a Jungian Integrative Ethic Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Conclusion Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way List of Illustrations Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Acknowledgements Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Bibliography Abstract
Robert Ellis
Red Book, Middle Way Index Abstract
Robert Ellis
Hinduism in Five Minutes Preface Details
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 1. Is Hinduism a Religion or Something Else? Details
Prea Persaud
Hinduism in Five Minutes 2. How Many People Follow Hinduism? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 3. What is the Biggest Misconception People Have About Hinduism? Details
Maharshi Vyas
Hinduism in Five Minutes 4. Do All Hindus Speak Hindi? Is Hindi the Language of Hindus? Abstract
Collin Sibley
Hinduism in Five Minutes 5. What are the Primary Ideas in Hinduism? Abstract
Brian Pennington
Hinduism in Five Minutes 6. Do Hindus Follow a Particular Philosophy? Abstract
Thomas Ellis
Hinduism in Five Minutes 7. What is the Ultimate Purpose or Goal of Hinduism? Details
Varun Khanna
Hinduism in Five Minutes 8. What is the Creation Story in Hinduism? Abstract
Gil Ben-Herut
Hinduism in Five Minutes 9. Where and When did Hinduism Originate? Abstract
Thomas Ellis
Hinduism in Five Minutes 10. Who Founded Hinduism? Abstract
Jimi Wilson
Hinduism in Five Minutes 11. Where Does the Name "Hinduism" Come From? Abstract
Will Sweetman
Hinduism in Five Minutes 12. Where Did the Different Deities Come From? Abstract
Gil Ben-Herut
Hinduism in Five Minutes 13. Where Did the Concept of Caste Begin? Abstract
Gil Ben-Herut
Hinduism in Five Minutes 14. Has Hinduism Changed Since its Creation? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 15. Are there Different Denominations Like Christianity? Abstract
Vincent Burgess
Hinduism in Five Minutes 16. What are the Regional Differences in Hinduism across India? Abstract
Bhakti Mamtora
Hinduism in Five Minutes 17. How does Someone Become a Guru? Details
Antoinette DeNapoli
Hinduism in Five Minutes 18. Does Violent Extremism Exist in Hinduism? Details
Jimi Wilson
Hinduism in Five Minutes 19. Did Hinduism Change Drastically Because of the British Occupation of India? Details
Varun Khanna
Hinduism in Five Minutes 20. How has Hinduism Changed with India’s Modernization? Abstract
Richard Weiss
Hinduism in Five Minutes 21. How has the Internet Changed Hinduism Today? Details
Prea Persaud
Hinduism in Five Minutes 22. How Many "Sacred Texts" does Hinduism have? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 23. What are the Vedas? Details
Varun Khanna
Hinduism in Five Minutes 24. Was Reincarnation Included in the Texts that Hindus Follow? Abstract
Gil Ben-Herut
Hinduism in Five Minutes 25. What are the Most Important Stories in Hinduism? Abstract
Jennifer Saunders
Hinduism in Five Minutes 26. Some Guy Dressed in an Orange Robe Gave Me a Copy of the Bhagavad Gita. Was he Hindu? Details
Susan Prill
Hinduism in Five Minutes 27. What is the Bhagavad Gita? Abstract
Vincent Burgess
Hinduism in Five Minutes 28. Can Things be Added to Hindu Texts? Abstract
Bhakti Mamtora
Hinduism in Five Minutes 29. How do Hindus Learn the Stories of Hinduism? Abstract
Katherine Zubko
Hinduism in Five Minutes 30. How Many Gods are in Hinduism? Details
Vasudha Narayanan
Hinduism in Five Minutes 31. Which Deities are Most Popular? Details
Vasudha Narayanan
Hinduism in Five Minutes 32. What does Each God Represent? Abstract
Thomas Ellis
Hinduism in Five Minutes 33. Why do the Images of Some Gods or Goddesses have Unusual Features, Like an Elephant Head or a Monkey’s Tail? Details
Susan Prill
Hinduism in Five Minutes 34. Is the Hindu Goddess a Feminist? Details
Antoinette DeNapoli
Hinduism in Five Minutes 35. Are All of the Gods Equal in Ranking, or Do They Have Different Levels of Importance? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 36. What are the Daily Practices that Hindus Try to Follow? Abstract
Bhakti Mamtora
Hinduism in Five Minutes 37. What are the Moral Codes of Hindus? Details
Maharshi Vyas
Hinduism in Five Minutes 38. How does One Become a Follower of Hinduism Typically? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 39. What does Someone have to Believe to be a Hindu? Abstract
Richard Weiss
Hinduism in Five Minutes 40. Do Hindus Still have Arranged Marriages? Details
Susan Prill
Hinduism in Five Minutes 41. Why do Hindus Not Eat Beef? Abstract
Will Sweetman
Hinduism in Five Minutes 42. How does Caste Affect What a Person Does? Abstract
Brian Pennington
Hinduism in Five Minutes 43. What is the Meaning of the Mark on the Forehead? Abstract
Jimi Wilson
Hinduism in Five Minutes 44. What does a Guru do in Hinduism? Abstract
Joanne Waghorne
Hinduism in Five Minutes 45. Are There Any Ceremonies that Hindus Hold Very Sacred? Abstract
Thomas Ellis
Hinduism in Five Minutes 46. How is Caste Determined? Details
Maharshi Vyas
Hinduism in Five Minutes 47. Is Yoga Important in Hinduism? Details
Susan Prill
Hinduism in Five Minutes 48. What are Significant Holidays or Festivals for Hindus? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 49. What does Worship in Hinduism Look Like? Abstract
Katherine Zubko
Hinduism in Five Minutes 50. Do Hindus Think That They Pray to Idols Rather Than a God Figure? Details
Aarti Patel
Hinduism in Five Minutes 51. With so Many Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism, how can a Hindu Manage to Worship all of Them? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 52. Does Hinduism have a Weekly Time of Worship, Like Mass? Details
Prea Persaud
Hinduism in Five Minutes 53. Is the Temple a Central Location for Worship, and What is in the Central Place of Worship? Details
Aarti Patel
Hinduism in Five Minutes 54. Is the Design or Architecture of Temples Important? Details
Aarti Patel
Hinduism in Five Minutes 55. Is it Hard for Hindus to Practice in Places that have Other Dominant Religions? Abstract
Alexander Rocklin
Hinduism in Five Minutes 56. How do Hindus Live in Muslim Countries Like Pakistan, if Any do? Details
Jürgen Schaflechner
Hinduism in Five Minutes 57. Why is There Conflict between Hinduism and Islam? Abstract
Bhakti Mamtora
Hinduism in Five Minutes 58. What is the Main Difference between Hinduism and the More Popular Religions in America? Abstract
Michael Altman
Hinduism in Five Minutes 59. What do Hindus Think about Christianity? Abstract
Will Sweetman
Hinduism in Five Minutes 60. Can Someone Who is Not Hindu Visit a Temple? If so, How Should They Dress and Act? Abstract
Brian Pennington
Hinduism in Five Minutes 61. Do People Who are Not Hindu have a Caste? Abstract
Collin Sibley
Hinduism in Five Minutes 62. What are Some Values Taught to Children? Details
Varun Khanna
Hinduism in Five Minutes 63. Do You have to be Indian to be a Hindu? Abstract
Collin Sibley
Hinduism in Five Minutes 64. How do Hindus Respond to Environmental Issues? Abstract
Vincent Burgess
Hinduism in Five Minutes 65. Do Men and Women have Equality in Hinduism? Details
Antoinette DeNapoli
Hinduism in Five Minutes 66. Did Women have to Jump into the Fire when their Husband Died? Abstract
Brian Pennington
Hinduism in Five Minutes 67. What is the Hindu Response to People who Identify as LGBTQ? Details
Maharshi Vyas
Hinduism in Five Minutes 68. Why is there Discrimination Based on Caste? Abstract
Richard Weiss
Hinduism in Five Minutes 69. As India Continues to Grow and Become a More Developed County, will Hinduism Remain the Leading Religion? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Hinduism in Five Minutes 70. Is Hinduism a More Peaceful than Other Religions? Details
Jürgen Schaflechner
Hinduism in Five Minutes 71. Why does Hinduism Seem to have Spread Less around the World than Other Major Religions? Details
Prea Persaud
Hinduism in Five Minutes Index Details
Steven Ramey
Historical Linguistics and the History of English Introduction: A Systemic Functional Orientation to Historical Linguistics Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English The Nominal Group Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English The Verbal Group Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English The Interpersonal Perspective on the Clause Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English The Experiential Perspective on the Clause Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English The Textual Perspective on the Clause Abstract
Michael Cummings
Historical Linguistics and the History of English Extending the Description Abstract
Michael Cummings
Prosody in Practice What is Prosody and What Did Early Phonetics Make of it? Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Prosody in Practice Prosody on the Rise: Recognising Why it Matters Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Prosody in Practice What does Prosody do in Human Communication?: Speaking and Listening Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Prosody in Practice Prosody in the Clinic: Causes and Effects of Prosodic Breakdown Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Prosody in Practice Models for Analysing Prosody: Tools for the Trade Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Prosody in Practice The Case for Prosody: A Neglected Variable no More Abstract
Joan Rahilly
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes Preface Abstract
Molly Bassett, Natalie Avalos
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 1. Why does the title of this book use the phrase “Indigenous Religious Traditions” rather than “Indigenous Religions?” Abstract
Tisa Wenger
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 2. What makes a religion an "Indigenous religion"? Abstract
Graham Harvey
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 3. Were all religions at one time "Indigenous"? Abstract
Tyler Tully
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 4. What does "Indigenous" mean for the study of religion?  Abstract
Tyler Tully
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 5. Are Indigenous religions only those practiced by Indigenous people? Abstract
Angela Puca
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 6. How can spiritual traditions create Indigenous traditions in new places? Abstract
Ras Michael Brown
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 7. Why do some Indigenous people insist that what they practice is not religion? Abstract
Chris Jocks
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 8. Why is "religion" a problematic category for understanding Indigenous traditions? Abstract
Philip Arnold
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 9. Why is it sometimes risky to present Indigenous traditions as religious? Abstract
Bjørn Tafjord
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 10. Is “tradition” a useful category? Abstract
Greg Johnson
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 11. What skillsets do students and scholars use to understand Indigenous religious traditions? Abstract
Molly Bassett
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 12. Why study Indigenous religious traditions? Abstract
Graham Harvey
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 13. What is the origin of common stereotypes of Native American religious life? Abstract
Sarah Dees
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 14. How do ideas about race shape understandings of Native American religious life? Abstract
Sarah Dees
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 15. Why Are Indigenous African and Afro-Diasporic Religions Relevant to You? Abstract
Ayodeji Ogunnaike, Oludamini Ogunnaike
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 16. What makes Vodou an Indigenous tradition? Abstract
James Padilioni, Jr.
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 17. What’s the difference between Vodou, Voudou, and Voodoo? Abstract
Emily Clark
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 18. Is Vodou (Voodoo) a religion? Abstract
James Padilioni, Jr.
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 19. Is Voudou an American religion or an Indigenous religion? Abstract
Emily Clark
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 20. Is Adivasi religion the same as Hinduism? Abstract
William Elison
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 21. Is Adivasi religion different from Hinduism? Abstract
William Elison
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 22. Is Shinto an Indigenous religion? Abstract
Emily Simpson
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 23. Do Chicanos practice Indigenous religious traditions? Abstract
Rudy Busto
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 24. Is Neo-Paganism an Indigenous religious tradition? Abstract
Abel R. Gomez
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 25. Are Indigenous people who adapt or alter their rituals and traditions (either by choice or historical necessity) less authentic than their ancestors? Abstract
Kelsey Dayle John
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 26. Can I convert to or practice an Indigenous religious tradition if I am not an Indigenous person? Abstract
Donnie Begay
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 27. Can non-Indigenous religious traditions become Indigenous? Abstract
Bjørn Tafjord
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 28. What moral responsibilities do scholars and students have in studying Indigenous religions? Abstract
Afe Adogame
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 29. Why is repatriation a religious issue for many Native communities?  Abstract
Greg Johnson
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 30. Is an academic approach to Indigenous religions innately colonizing? Abstract
Afe Adogame
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 31. Can we still use the term “shamanism”?  Abstract
Emily Simpson
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 32. Do Native peoples have shamans? Abstract
Edward Anthony Polanco
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 33. What is animism? Abstract
Graham Harvey
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 34. Why does it matter how we translate religious concepts in Indigenous traditions? Abstract
Josefrayn Sánchez-Perry
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 35. How do archaeologists study religion in the Indigenous past? Abstract
Mallory Matsumoto
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 36. Why reconstruct pre-colonial Indigenous religions in the Americas? Abstract
Yanitsa Buendía de Llaca
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 37. Are Aztec dancers practicing a religion?  Abstract
Yanitsa Buendía de Llaca
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 38. What’s the deal with cultural appropriation? Abstract
Gregory Alles
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 39. Was the Washington R*dskins cultural appropriation? Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 40. What is decolonization and what does it have to do with Indigenous religious traditions? Abstract
Natalie Avalos
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 41. What is a Land-based religious tradition? Abstract
Dana Lloyd
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 42. What’s the relationship between Indigenous religion and land or territory? Abstract
Chris Jocks
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 43. What does it mean for an Indigenous religion to be “place-based?” Abstract
Abel R. Gomez
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 44. If Native American religious traditions are place-based, how do "urban Indians" practice their religion? Abstract
Dennis Kelley
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 45. Do Indigenous Peoples believe plants, animals, and waters have personhood? Abstract
Meaghan Weatherdon
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 46. What does it mean when Indigenous peoples say animals are sacred? Abstract
Kelsey Dayle John
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 47. What role does pilgrimage play in Indigenous religious life? Abstract
Paul Gareau, Jeanine LeBlanc
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 48. Are Indigenous peoples inherently environmentalists? Abstract
Dennis Kelley
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 49. What is the Idle No More movement, and what’s a round dance? Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 50. How does resource extraction impact Native American religious practices? Abstract
Richard Callahan, Jr.
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 51. Was the #NoDAPL occupation at Standing Rock "spiritual" or "religious"? Abstract
Richard Callahan, Jr.
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 52. Do Hawaiian religious practices have any political significance? Abstract
Marie Alohalani Brown
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 53. Why is the public expression of Indigenous Religion political? Abstract
Stacie Swain
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 54. Why were Native American religious traditions outlawed? Abstract
Jennifer Graber
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 55. Is Indigenous law religious? Abstract
Dana Lloyd
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 56. Do Indigenous People Have Churches? Abstract
Pamela Klassen, Roxanne Korpan
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 57. What is the Native American Church? Abstract
Lisa Poirier
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 58. Is Peyote a medicine or a drug? Abstract
Jennifer Graber
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 59. What are Native American foodways, and how are they religious? Abstract
Andrea McComb Sanchez
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 60. What is a sweat lodge? Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 61. What role does healing play in Native American and Indigenous religious traditions? Or, what's religious about health and healing in Indigenous religious traditions? Abstract
Suzanne Crawford O'Brien
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 62. Is Voudou dangerous? Abstract
Emily Clark
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 63. Why is distinguishing a Native American worldview from a EuroChristian one important? Abstract
George Tinker
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 64. Do Indigenous peoples have “gods?” Abstract
Patrisia Gonzales
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 65. What do Indigenous religious traditions in the Americas have in common? Abstract
Inés Hernandez-Avila
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 66. What is a nagual/nahual/nawal? Abstract
Mallory Matsumoto
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 67. What are sacred bundles and why are they important in Indigenous cultures in the Americas? Abstract
Molly Bassett
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 68. What motivates Nahuas to practice their religion of el costumbre? Abstract
Abelardo de la Cruz
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 69. What are ancestor spirits, and what role do they play in Hawaiian religious life? Abstract
Marie Alohalani Brown
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 70. Do all Indigenous Peoples in North America practice the same ceremonies as one another? Abstract
Meaghan Weatherdon
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 71. What is the Ghost Dance? Abstract
Tiffany Hale
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 72. How are Indigenous narratives and oral traditions like “texts?” Abstract
Dennis Kelley
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 73. What do trickster tales tell us about human beings, and why are they important in Indigenous cultures? Abstract
Davíd Carrasco
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 74. Why do so many Indigenous religions include trickster figures or ceremonial clowns? Abstract
Chris Jocks
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 75. What is the Popol Vuh (and why is it not a Maya Bible)? Abstract
Mallory Matsumoto
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 76. Did colonial missions destroy Indigenous religions? Abstract
Brandon Bayne
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 77. Why would Indigenous people venerate Roman Catholic saints? Abstract
Daniel Nourry Burgos
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 78. How might we talk about Indigeneity and Catholicism in the Andes? Abstract
Sierra Lynn Lawson
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 79. Did Indigenous children lose their religion in US residential boarding schools? Abstract
Zara Surratt
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 80. How do Indigenous religions approach disability? Abstract
Zara Surratt
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 81. Are Indigenous religious traditions patriarchal? Abstract
Donnie Begay
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 82. Did Indigenous people really honor LGBT/Two-Spirit people? Abstract
Lisa Poirier
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 84. Indigenous futurism … is that like science fiction? Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes 83. What is the relationship between Indigenous religion and sovereignty? Abstract
Stacie Swain
Indigenous Religious Traditions in Five Minutes Index Details
Molly Bassett, Natalie Avalos
The Language Dynamic The Language Dynamic: Recursive Processes from Morpheme to Ideology Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Embodiment Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic A Systemic and Stratal Account of Language and Society, as Told by Three T-shirts, a Urinal and a Karaoke Machine. Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Stratification, Redundancy, the Mechanism of Change Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Prospection: The Emergence of Target States and Common Ground in Speech Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Emergent Creativity Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Outline of a Socio-Biosemiotic Theory of Language Dynamics Abstract
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Appendix A Details
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Appendix B Details
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic References Details
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
The Language Dynamic Index Details
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett
Language in Action Introduction Abstract
María Estela Brisk, Mary Schleppegrell
Language in Action 1. Theory Inspired Best Practices: Elementary Teachers Appropriate SFL Theory to Inform their Practice Abstract
María Estela Brisk
Language in Action 2. The Role of Meaningful Sentence-level Metalanguage: Insights from Children’s Thinking with Functional Grammar Abstract
Mary Schleppegrell, Carrie Symons
Language in Action 3. From Buttocks to Seminal Muscles: SFL-based Physical Education Abstract
Ruth Mulvad
Language in Action 4. A Geometry Teacher’s Actions for Engaging Students in Mathematizing from Real-World Contexts: A Linguistic Analysis Abstract
Gloriana Gonzalez
Language in Action 5. Exploring New Perspectives and Degrees of Delicacy in Appraisal Studies: An Analysis of Engagement Resources in Academic Discourse in Spanish Abstract
Julio César Valerdi Zárate
Language in Action 6. A Functional Study of Transitivity and Attitude in Student Writing in Spanish across Disciplines: Making Connections Abstract
Natalia Ignatieva, Daniel Rodríguez-Vergara, Victoria Zamudio
Language in Action 7. Scaffolding the Wave: Supporting Student Teachers in Professional Academic Writing Through LCT and SFL Abstract
Anna-Vera Meidell Sigsgaard, Susanne Karen Jacobsen
Language in Action 8. Scaffolding Argument Writing in History: The Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration Abstract
Silvia Pessoa, Thomas D. Mitchell, Aaron Jacobson
Language in Action 9. Translation as Re-instantiation: An Investigation of Verbal Projection Abstract
Hailing Yu, Canzhong Wu
Language in Action 10. Building and Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Museum Spaces through SFL and Translation Studies Abstract
Marina Manfredi
Language in Action Index Abstract
Mary Schleppegrell, María Estela Brisk
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes Foreword Details
Ronald Hutton
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes Preface Details
Suzanne Owen, Angela Puca
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 1. What is Paganism? Abstract
Angela Puca
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 2. Is Paganism a Religion? Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 3. What is the Difference between "Pagan," "pagan," "Paganism," and "neo-Paganism"? Abstract
Graham Harvey
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 4. How did Modern Paganism Begin? Abstract
Sabina Magliocco
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 5. What is the Relationship between Ancient and Contemporary Paganism? Abstract
Caroline Tully
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 6. How Many Pagans are There? Abstract
Vivianne Crowley
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 7. Are Most Pagans Solitary Practitioners? Abstract
Helen Berger
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 8. What is a Pagan Worldview? Abstract
Graham Harvey
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 9. Is there Anything Common to All Pagan Religions? Abstract
Jennifer Uzzell
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 10. Is Paganism a Nature Religion? Abstract
Ethan Doyle White
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 11. How do Pagans View Nature and the Environment? Abstract
Chas Clifton
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 12. Do Pagans have Sacred Sites? Abstract
Ethan Doyle White
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 13. Do All Pagans Follow the Same Festivals? Abstract
Douglas Ezzy
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 14. Do Pagans Have a Holy Book Like the Bible? Abstract
Denise Cush
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 15. What is the Relationship between Theosophy and Paganism? Abstract
Yves Mühlematter
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 16. Can a Pagan Follow More than One Path or Tradition? Abstract
Caroline Tully
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 17. What is the Difference between Hard and Soft Polytheism? Abstract
Jefferson Calico
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 18. What is the Difference between an Eclectic and a Traditional Pagan or Witch? Abstract
Angela Puca
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 19. Are All Witches Pagan? Abstract
Mary Hamner
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 20. Can Anyone be Called a “Witch”? Abstract
Francesca Po
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 21. What is the Difference between Wicca and Witchcraft? Abstract
Mary Hamner
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 22. What is Heathenry? Abstract
Jefferson Calico
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 23. What is the Difference between Druidism and Druidry? Abstract
Jennifer Uzzell
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 24. Is Druidry the Indigenous Religion of Europe? Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 25. What are Technopagans? Abstract
Chris Miller
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 26. What was Ancient Slavic “Paganism”? Abstract
Giuseppe Maiello
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 27. What is Romuva in Lithuania? Abstract
Milda Ališauskienė
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 28. Is Romuva an Official Religion in Lithuania? Abstract
Rasa Pranskevičiūtė-Amoson
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 29. How has Paganism Developed in Brazil? Abstract
Karina Bezerra
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 30. How do Pagans Conceive of Gods? Abstract
Vivianne Crowley
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 31. Is there Salvation in Paganism? Abstract
Michael York
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 32. Can a Person have Pagan Beliefs without being Pagan? Abstract
Alessandro Testa
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 33. Are Some Pagans Atheist? Abstract
Sarah Best
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 34. Do Pagans Worship Ancestors? Abstract
Jennifer Uzzell
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 35. What are Pagan Ethics? Abstract
Michael York
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 36. How do Pagans Interact with Deities and Spirits? Abstract
Jenny Butler
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 37. What does a Pagan Minister do? Abstract
Holli Emore
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 38. What does the Pentacle Symbol Mean to Pagans? Abstract
Angela Puca
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 39. Do Pagans Believe in Reincarnation or Life after Death? Abstract
Jennifer Uzzell
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 40. Do Pagans Practise Ritual Sex? Abstract
Angela Puca
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 41. Are Astrology and Tarot Part of Paganism? Abstract
Francesca Po
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 42. How do Pagans View Magic? Abstract
Karina Bezerra
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 43. Is there a Difference between Magic and Magick? Abstract
Caroline Tully
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 44. What is Chaos Magic? Abstract
Isis Mrugalla-Kalmbacher
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 45. Do Pagans Use the Internet for their Religion? Abstract
Franz Winter
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 46. Is Christmas a Pagan Festival? Abstract
Alessandro Testa
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 47. Is Carnival a Pagan Festival? Abstract
Alessandro Testa
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 48. Are Halloween and Easter Pagan Festivals? Abstract
Jenny Butler
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 49. Do Pagans Practise Sacrifice? Abstract
Jefferson Calico
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 50. Are Satanism and Paganism the Same? Abstract
Ethan Doyle White
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 51. What Explains the Enduring Bias against Pagans? Abstract
Franz Winter
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 52. Is there Antipathy between Pagans and Christians? Abstract
Denise Cush
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 53. Can a Christian Also be a Pagan? Abstract
Rhiannon Grant
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 54. Can Paganism be Applied to non-European Religions, Such as Shinto? Abstract
Douglas Ezzy
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 55. Can Witchdoctors and Africana Spiritual Traditions be Regarded as Pagan? Abstract
Mary Hearns-Ayodele
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 56. How Much of Paganism is Based on Cultural Appropriation? Abstract
Sabina Magliocco
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 57. Do Pagans have Particular Political Views? Abstract
Ethan Doyle White
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 58. Is there a Problem with Fascism in Contemporary Paganism? Abstract
Amy Hale
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 59. Were Pagans Involved in the War in Ukraine? Abstract
Giuseppe Maiello
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 60. Why do Some Polytheists Reject the Term "Pagan"? Abstract
Angelo Nasios
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 61. Is Paganism Empowering to Women and LGBTQI+? Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 62. Is Paganism Queer? Abstract
[M] Dudeck
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 63. Why is Witchcraft Popular among Teenagers? Abstract
Denise Cush
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 64. Do Pagans Avoid Technology? Abstract
Chris Miller
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 65. What is WitchTok? Abstract
Mary Hamner
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 66. How do Pagans Use Fiction and Film? Abstract
Carole Cusack
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 67. Is Paganism Make-believe? Abstract
[M] Dudeck
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 68. How do Scholars Study Paganism? Abstract
Chris Miller
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 69. Should Pagan Religions be Taught in Schools? Abstract
Denise Cush
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes 70. Are Contemporary Pagan Religions Indicative of a New Form of Religiosity? Abstract
Denise Cush
Pagan Religions in Five Minutes Index Details
Suzanne Owen, Angela Puca
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority A Tribute to the Work of Michael Jerryson Abstract
Mark Juergensmeyer, Margo Kitts
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 1. Reflections on the Papers of Section I Abstract
Stephen Jenkins
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 2. Dharma and its Discontents: The Case of Kumārajīva Abstract
John M. Thompson
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 3. Buddhists, Politics and International Law Abstract
Ben Schonthal
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 4. Exorcizing the Body Politic: The Lion’s Roar, Köten Ejen’s Two Bodies and the Question of Conversion at the Tibet-Mongol Interface Abstract
Matthew King
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 5. De-Centering the Normative in the Introduction to Buddhism Class Abstract
Nathan McGovern
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 6. But is it Buddhist? Abstract
Blaze Marpet
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 7. Humanizing the Rohingya Beyond Victimization: A Portrait Abstract
Grisel d'Elena
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 8. Introduction to Section II Abstract
Matthew Walton
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 9. Contested Authority: Evangelicalism as a Cultural System Abstract
Julie Ingersoll
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 10. Jerryson’s “Exposure of Buddhism” and the Christian Religio-Cultural Legacy of Violence in U.S. War-Culture Abstract
Kelly Denton-Borhaug
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 11. Making Authority from Apocalypse: Three Cases from Classical Islam Abstract
Jamel Velji
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 12. Affect in the Archives: Representations of Violence in Late Ancient Apocalyptic Texts Abstract
Abby Kulitsz
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority 13. Religion, Authority Grammar: The Scholarly Legacy of Secular Concepts Abstract
Andrew Atwell
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority Index Details
Margo Kitts, Mark Juergensmeyer
Buddhism in Five Minutes 1. Is Buddhism a Religion? Abstract
Denise Cush
Buddhism in Five Minutes 2. What is the Role and Focus of Faith in Buddhism? Abstract
Asanga Tilakaratne
Buddhism in Five Minutes 3. What is the Role of Ritual in Buddhism? Abstract
Asanga Tilakaratne
Buddhism in Five Minutes 4. Are Relics Important to Buddhists? Abstract
Kevin Trainor
Buddhism in Five Minutes 5. What are the Holy Texts of Buddhism? Abstract
Asanga Tilakaratne
Buddhism in Five Minutes 6. What is the Place of Images in Buddhism? Abstract
Sarah Shaw
Buddhism in Five Minutes 7. What is the Role of Narrative in Buddhism? Abstract
Brian Black
Buddhism in Five Minutes 8. Is Buddhism Atheistic, Non-theistic or Theistic? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 9. What do we Know about the Historical Buddha? Abstract
Dhivan Thomas Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 10. How is the Nature of Buddhahood to be Understood? Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 11. How does one "Read" a Buddha-image? Abstract
Ronit Wang
Buddhism in Five Minutes 12. Who is the Fat Buddha Figure? Abstract
Paulina Kolata
Buddhism in Five Minutes 13. What is a Bodhisattva? Abstract
Ven Jianchengshi
Buddhism in Five Minutes 14. How do Buddhists Show their Devotion to the Buddha? Abstract
Paulina Kolata
Buddhism in Five Minutes 15. Can we Know what the Historical Buddha Taught? Abstract
Rupert Gethin
Buddhism in Five Minutes 16. What Part does Belief in Rebirth Play in Buddhism? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 17. Does Buddhism See the Mind as Separate from the Body? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 18. Do Buddhists See All that Happens to One as Due to Karma? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 19. What is Seen as Reborn, According to Buddhism? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 20. To what Extent does Buddhism "Deny the Self"? The Non-Self Teaching Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 21. What are the "Four Noble Truths" About? Abstract
Arjuna Ranatunga
Buddhism in Five Minutes 22. What is Non-attachment in Buddhism? Abstract
Dhivan Thomas Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 23. What is Nirvana? Abstract
Arjuna Ranatunga
Buddhism in Five Minutes 24. What is it to be "Enlightened" or "Awakened"? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 45. What is Buddha-Nature? Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 25. What Kinds of "Saints" does Buddhism have? Abstract
Arjuna Ranatunga
Buddhism in Five Minutes 26. Why do Buddhists Meditate? Abstract
Sarah Shaw
Buddhism in Five Minutes 27. What is "Mindfulness" in Buddhism, and does it Differ from Modern Secular "Mindfulness"? Abstract
Tse-fu Kuan
Buddhism in Five Minutes 28. What Kinds of Meditation are there in Buddhism? Abstract
Dhivan Thomas Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 29. What is the Role of Chanting in Buddhism? Abstract
Ven Renru Tang
Buddhism in Five Minutes 30. What is the Role of Monasticism in Buddhism? Abstract
Ann Heirman
Buddhism in Five Minutes 31. How does One become Ordained? Abstract
Ann Heirman
Buddhism in Five Minutes 32. What Rules do Monastics Follow? Abstract
Alice Collett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 33. What is the Position of Nuns in Buddhism? Abstract
Ann Heirman
Buddhism in Five Minutes 34. What is the Role of Lay Buddhists? Abstract
Alice Collett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 35. Does Buddhism Support Gender Equality? Abstract
Alice Collett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 36. What is the Role of Preaching in Buddhism? Abstract
Mahinda Deegalle
Buddhism in Five Minutes 37. How did Buddhism Relate to the Brahmanism of the Buddha’s Day, and Later Hinduism? Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 38. What Splits were there in Buddhism in the Early Centuries? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 39. What are the Main Contemporary Divisions in Buddhism: Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna? Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 40. What is the ‘Hīnayāna’? Abstract
Elizabeth Harris
Buddhism in Five Minutes 41. What is Zen Buddhism? Abstract
Hiroko Kawanami
Buddhism in Five Minutes 42. What is Pure Land Buddhism? Abstract
Wendy Dossett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 43. What is the Role of the Dalai Lama? Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Buddhism in Five Minutes 44. What is the Bodhisattva Vow? Abstract
Nick Swann
Buddhism in Five Minutes 46. What are the Meanings of "Emptiness" in Mahāyāna Buddhism? Abstract
Christopher Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 47. Is Tantric Buddhism Just about Sex? Abstract
Nick Swann
Buddhism in Five Minutes 48. Why are There so Many Different Celestial Beings in Tibetan Buddhism? Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Buddhism in Five Minutes 49. What are the Main Buildings and Symbols of Buddhism? Abstract
Arjuna Ranatunga
Buddhism in Five Minutes 50. Why do Buddhists Make Art? Abstract
Christian Luczanits
Buddhism in Five Minutes 51. What is a Mandala? Abstract
Christian Luczanits
Buddhism in Five Minutes 52. How is Buddhism Influencing Contemporary Art? Abstract
Tim Stephens
Buddhism in Five Minutes 54. How do Buddhists View Other Religious Traditions and What Kind of Interreligious Encounters are Buddhists Involved in Now? Abstract
Elizabeth Harris
Buddhism in Five Minutes 53. How has Buddhism been Influenced by Other Religious Traditions? Abstract
Sophie Barker
Buddhism in Five Minutes 55. What Vows do Buddhists Take? Abstract
Nick Swann
Buddhism in Five Minutes 56. Are Buddhists Pacifists? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 57. Are Buddhists Vegetarian? Abstract
Dhivan Thomas Jones
Buddhism in Five Minutes 58. Does Buddhism have Rules for Marriage and Family Life? Abstract
Alice Collett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 59. How do Buddhist View Suicide and Self-immolation? Abstract
Peter Harvey
Buddhism in Five Minutes 60. What is Engaged Buddhism? Abstract
Tim Stephens
Buddhism in Five Minutes 61. What is the Relationship between Buddhism and Politics? Abstract
Brian Black
Buddhism in Five Minutes 62. How Important is Compassion in Buddhism? Abstract
Pyi Kyaw
Buddhism in Five Minutes 63. Is Non-attachment Compatible with Compassion? Abstract
Elizabeth Harris
Buddhism in Five Minutes 64. What do Buddhists Think about Sex? Abstract
Amy Langenberg
Buddhism in Five Minutes 65. What do Buddhists Think about Those who are LGBTQI? Abstract
Sal Campbell
Buddhism in Five Minutes 66. Should Buddhism be Taught in Schools? Abstract
Denise Cush
Buddhism in Five Minutes 67. Are Alcohol and Drugs ever Acceptable to Buddhists? Abstract
Wendy Dossett
Buddhism in Five Minutes 68. Are Human Rights Compatible with Buddhism? Abstract
Damien Keown
Buddhism in Five Minutes 70. Are Buddhists Active in Ecological Movements and Protecting the Environment to Mitigate Climate Change? Abstract
Alex Owens
Buddhism in Five Minutes 71. How do Buddhists Relate to the Methods of Science? Abstract
Tim Stephens
Buddhism in Five Minutes 74. How do Buddhists View Artificial Intelligence? Abstract
Ralph Quinlan
Buddhism in Five Minutes 72. What is the Buddhist Attitude to Modern Technology? Abstract
Nick Swann
Buddhism in Five Minutes 73. What is Secular Buddhism? Abstract
Tim Stephens
Buddhism in Five Minutes 75. Is Western Buddhism a New Form of Buddhism? Abstract
Sarah Shaw
Buddhism in Five Minutes 69. What does Buddhism have to Say about Race? Abstract
Tim Stephens
Buddhism in Five Minutes Preface Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Buddhism in Five Minutes Introduction Abstract
Elizabeth Harris
Buddhism in Five Minutes Index Details
Elizabeth Harris
Dragon Headz The Land of Rap Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 1. Friends and Neighbours: English, British and Welsh Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 2. Myths and Stories: Land, Journeys and Boundaries Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 3. Ebbs and Flows: Rivers of Poetry Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 4. It’s Not Unusual: Unearthing Tropes and Meanings Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 5. Music from the Ditch: Weapons of Attitude Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz 6. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau: Heritage, Pioneers and Progression Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Dragon Headz Conclusions Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond Conclusion Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond List of Figures Details
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond Acknowledgements Details
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond a. The Experience of Archetypes Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond b. The Universality of Archetypes Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond c. Archetypes as Embodied Schemas Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond d. Archetypes as Metaphors Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond e. The Baggage of the 'Collective Unconscious' Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond f. The Baggage of Platonism Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond g. Archetypes and Religion Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond h. Archetypes, Tradition, and Modernity Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond i. Evidence and Testability Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond a. The Projection Process Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond b. Reactive Projection Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond c. Projection as Metaphysical Belief Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond d. Projection as the Denial of Embodiment Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond e. Projection as Left-Hemisphere Over-Dominance Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond f. Projection as Bias Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond g. Projection as Reinforcing Feedback Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond h. Projection as Power Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond i. Projection as Evil Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond a. The Middle Way and the Integration Process Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond b. Integration and Mindfulness Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond c. Integration and the Arts Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond d. Critical Universalism Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond e. Working with Traditions Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond a. The Basis of Archetypal Categorization Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond b. Variations of the Four Archetypes Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond c. The Hero and the Ego Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond d. The Anima/Animus, Sex, and Specialization Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond e. The Shadow, Death, and Suffering Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond f. God and Religious Experience Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond g. The Middle Way Archetype Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond a. Ethnic and Universal Religion Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond b. The Buddha Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond c. Mahayana Symbology Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond d. Hinduism: The Great Appropriation Abstract
Robert Ellis
Archetypes in Religion and Beyond e. The Archetype of Nature in China Abstract
Robert Ellis
7001 - 7500 of 13174 Items << < 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 > >> 

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