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Issue Title
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage List of Figures Abstract
Michael Pye
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage List of Tables Abstract
Michael Pye
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage Bibliography Abstract
Michael Pye
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage Index of Temples and Shrines Abstract
Michael Pye
Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage General Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Beyond Meditation List of Illustrations Abstract
Michael Pye
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Graeco-Roman Religions and the Cognitive Science of Religion Details
Harvey Whitehouse
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Imagistic Modes of Religiosity and the Study of the Cults of Graeco-Roman World Details
Panayotis Pachis
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World The Imagistic Tradition of Dionysus in the Graeco-Roman World Details
Ulrich Berner
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Theories of Persuasion and Modes of Religiosity in the Study of Emergent Christianities Details
Willi Braun
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Dionysus' Image in the Post-Modern Age Details
Giovanni Casadio
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Religious Change in Roman Religion from the Perspective of Whitehouse's Theory of the Two Modes of Religiosity Details
Aleš Chalupa
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World "Another People": Understanding the Roman Senate's Supression of the Bacchanalia Details
Douglas Gragg
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World The "Modes Theory" and Roman Religion: National Catastrophe and Religious Response in the Second Punic War Details
Alison Griffith
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World The Cybele and Attis Religion and the Theory of Modes of Religiosity Details
Anders Lisdorf
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Imagistic Modes of Religiosity in the Cult of Isis/Sarapis During the Graeco-Roman Age Details
Panayotis Pachis
Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World Details
Luther H. Martin
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Abbreviations Details
Luther H. Martin
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Foreword Details
Luther H. Martin
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation The Globalisation and Localisation of Religion: From Hellenism to Late Antiquity Details
Giulia Gasparro
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Globalization and Religion in the Roman Empire Details
Ingvild Gilhus
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation What Constitutes Globalization for Religion? Hallmarks from Antiquity: Late Antiquity Egypt Details
Gary Lease
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation The Very Idea of Globalization: The Case of Hellenistic Empire Details
Luther H. Martin
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation The City-god: An Expression for Localization Details
Erika Meyer-Dietrich
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation "Manufacturing Religion" in the Hellenistic Age: The Case of Isis-Demeter Cult Details
Panayotis Pachis
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Magia e Culti Orientali III Details
Ennio Sanzi
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Response One Details
Giulia Gasparro
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Response Two Details
Einar Thomassen
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 1: The notion of responsibility in discourse studies Abstract
Anna Solin, Jan-Ola Östman
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 2: Taking ‘responsibility’: From word to discourse Abstract
Robin Tolmach Lakoff
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 3: Owning responsible actions/selves: Role-relational trajectories in counselling for childhood genetic testing Abstract
Srikant Sarangi
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 4: Negotiating parental/familial responsibility in genetic counselling Abstract
Gøril Thomassen, Srikant Sarangi, John-Arne Skolbekken
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 5: Whose business is it anyway? Distributing responsibilities between family members and formal carers Abstract
Outi Jolanki
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 6: “Getting placed” in time: Responsibility talk in caseworker-client interaction Abstract
Maureen Matarese
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 7: Reflexivity in the institution, and how it entangles with research Abstract
Chris Bulcaen
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 8: Political interviews and responsibility: A case study of its interactional organization Abstract
Anita Fetzer
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 9: Roles, dramaturgy and responsibility in Swedish TV-debates Abstract
Christian Svensson Limsjö
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 10: Responsibility and the conventions of attribution in news agency discourse Abstract
Maija Stenvall
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 11: Who has the power to act in the world? Social actors, agency and voice in a Catholic newspaper Abstract
Karin Tusting
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Chapter 12: Construing professional norms in journalism: Responsibility and risk reporting Abstract
Anna Solin
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Preface Abstract
Jan-Ola Östman
Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings Index Abstract
Jan-Ola Östman
Morality in Practice Morality in practice: studies of childhood, parenthood and schooling in everyday life Abstract
Michael Tholander, Jakob Cromdal
Morality in Practice Vicarious accounts: Morality and responsibility in Italian family dinner conversations Abstract
Laura Sterponi
Morality in Practice Mundane morality and gender in familial neighbour disputes Abstract
Elizabeth Stokoe, Derek Edwards
Morality in Practice Family therapy and accountability Abstract
Karin Aronsson
Morality in Practice “Well, now I’m upset”: Moral and social orders in the playground Abstract
Maryanne Theobald, Susan Danby
Morality in Practice From doing it to doing it right – morals of literacy learning in transition into school Abstract
Fritjof Sahlström
Morality in Practice Promoting or restricting the freedom of speech? A turn-taking analysis of a classroom discussion on capital punishment. Abstract
Anna Lindström
Morality in Practice Students’ teasing as a silencing device Abstract
Michael Tholander
Morality in Practice “You’re laughing at him”: Bullying as a social practice in middle school Abstract
Laurie Schick
Morality in Practice Schoolyard suspect: Blame management among children and teachers Abstract
Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Morality in Practice Imagining the moral self Abstract
Annice Barber
Morality in Practice Somewhere between evil and normal: Traces of morality in a child protection helpline Abstract
Jonathan Potter, Alexa Hepburn
Morality in Practice Kids, counsellors and troubles-telling: Morality-in-action in talk on an Australian children’s helpline Abstract
Susan Danby, Michael Emmison
Teamwork and Team Talk Introduction Abstract
Srikant Sarangi
Teamwork and Team Talk Tensions between institutional and professional frames in team talk in gerontological social work Abstract
Elisabet Cedersund, Anna Olaison, Susanne Kvarnstrom
Teamwork and Team Talk Discourse types and (re)distribution of responsibility in simulated emergency team encounters Abstract
Gøril Thomassen Hammerstad, Ellen Andenæs, Stine Gundrosen , Srikant Sarangi
Teamwork and Team Talk Team talk and the evaluation of medical guidance documentation Abstract
K. Neil Jenkings
Teamwork and Team Talk How language shapes psychiatric case formulation Abstract
John Walsh, Nayia Cominos, Jon Jureidini
Teamwork and Team Talk Team talk and problem solving in thoracic medicine Abstract
Per Maseide
Teamwork and Team Talk Formulating problems in psycho-social rehabilitation: Narrative activity within the boundaries of an institutional framework Abstract
Chiara Piccini, Antonella Carassa
Teamwork and Team Talk A collective clinical gaze: Negotiating decisions in a surgical ward Abstract
Gro Underland, Aksel Tjora
Teamwork and Team Talk The management of diagnostic uncertainty and decision-making in genetics case conferences Abstract
Olga Zayts, Srikant Sarangi, Stephanie Schnurr
Teamwork and Team Talk Contrasting discourse styles and barriers to patient participation in bedside nursing handovers Abstract
Suzanne Eggins, Diana Slade
Teamwork and Team Talk Professionals’ embodied orientations towards patients in discharge planning meetings and their impact on patient participation Abstract
Sara Keel, Veronika Schoeb
Teamwork and Team Talk Pilot evaluation of a novel observational tool for collaboration and communication within multidisciplinary team meetings (MDTs) Abstract
Amy Gillis, Marie Morris, Nikita Bhatt , Paul F. Ridgway
East by Mid-East Contributors Abstract
Anchi Hoh, Brannon Wheeler
Beyond 2.0 Appendix Details
Steve Collins
Beyond 2.0 Bibliography Details
Steve Collins
Beyond 2.0 Discography Details
Steve Collins
Beyond 2.0 Filmography Details
Steve Collins
Beyond 2.0 Index Details
Steve Collins
Systemic Phonology Acknowledgements Abstract
Wendy Bowcher
Systemic Phonology Introduction Abstract
Wendy Bowcher, Bradley A. Smith
Systemic Phonology Chapter 1: An investigation of how intonation helps signal information structure Abstract
Gerard O'Grady
Systemic Phonology Chapter 2: Creating a parallel universe: Mode and the textual metafunction in the study of one news story Abstract
Annabelle Lukin
Systemic Phonology Chapter 3: Intonation: Signal of information peaks Abstract
Shan Zhu
Systemic Phonology Chapter 4: A multi-stratal approach to paragraph-like organization in lectures Abstract
Kazuyoshi Iwamoto
Systemic Phonology Chapter 7: A note for -ed: Comments on the treatment of -ed in Handel’s Messiah Abstract
David Banks
Systemic Phonology Chapter 5: The black hole in graphology Abstract
Martin Davies
Systemic Phonology Chapter 6: The spoken interpretation of written text Abstract
Michael Cummings
Systemic Phonology Chapter 8: A comparative analysis of the rap and the sung voice: Perspectives from systemic phonology, social semiotics and music studies Abstract
David Caldwell
Systemic Phonology Chapter 9: Towards a systemic presentation of the word phonology of English Abstract
Paul Tench
Systemic Phonology Chapter 10: Digital phonology: Systemic perspectives Abstract
Bradley A. Smith, Stefano Fasciani, Kay O'Halloran
Systemic Phonology Chapter 11: The meanings and forms of intonation and punctuation in English: The concepts required for an explicit model Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Systemic Phonology Chapter 12: Locating the limerick ‘Wall Street Irene’ and the sonnet ‘On his blindness’ in the semiotic space between the body as signal generator/receiver and the body as social interactant Abstract
William Greaves
Systemic Phonology Author Index Abstract
Wendy Bowcher
Systemic Phonology Subject Index Abstract
Wendy Bowcher
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Introduction Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Performing the Institutional Self Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Researching Ethnic and Linguistic Penalties Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Competence Models and Covert Linguistic Penalties Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Institutional, Professional and Personal Discourses Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Narrating the Self Through Professional Discourse Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview The Interview as a Joint Production Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Decision Making: Institutional Evaluation, Local Practices and Writing the Interview Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Migrant Candidates and the Linguistic Penalty Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Knowledge and Experience Brought into the Interview Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Linguistic Footprints Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview List of Figures Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Acknowledgements Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Transcription Conventions Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Endnotes Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Bibliography Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Topic Index Abstract
Celia Roberts
Linguistic Penalties and the Job Interview Author Index Abstract
Celia Roberts
Global Tribe Notes Abstract
Graham St John
Global Tribe Bibliography, discography and filmography Abstract
Graham St John
Global Tribe Index Abstract
Graham St John
Movies, Moves and Music The Sonic World of Dance Films Abstract
Mary Fogarty, Mark Evans
Movies, Moves and Music From Beat Street to Step Up 3D: The Sound of Street Dance Films Abstract
Mary Fogarty
Movies, Moves and Music Space, Authenticity and Utopia in the Hip-Hop Teen Dance Film Abstract
Faye Woods
Movies, Moves and Music The School and ‘The Streets’: Race, Class, Sound, and Space in Step Up and Step Up 2 Abstract
Brian Chung, Afia Oforia-Mensa
Movies, Moves and Music The Essence and Momentum of Honey: An Interplay of Sound and Movement Abstract
Diane Hughes
Movies, Moves and Music Gone in a Flash(dance): The Estrangement of Diegetic Performance in the 1980s Teen Dance Film Abstract
Kelly Kessler
Movies, Moves and Music ‘Anything But Ballet’: Individuality, Genre-Bending, and Sexual Expression in Center Stage Abstract
Gillian Turnbull
Movies, Moves and Music Zoot Suit Mayhem: Swing Dance and the Skewed History in Steven Spielberg’s 1941 Abstract
Philip Hayward, Jon Fitzgerald
Movies, Moves and Music Across the Universe and Nostalgia: Re-presenting the Beatles Through Moving Images and Dancing Bodies Abstract
Colleen Dunagan, Roxane Fenton
Movies, Moves and Music Looking for the Past in Pastiche: Intertextuality in Bollywood Song-and-Dance Sequences Abstract
Usha Iyer
Movies, Moves and Music The Call to Rize Abstract
Megan Todd
Movies, Moves and Music Resounding Neurological Ecologies: Choreographing the Body’s Lost Interactions with the World Abstract
Sarah-Mace Dennis
Movies, Moves and Music Acknowledgements Abstract
Mark Evans, Mary Fogarty
Movies, Moves and Music Index Abstract
Mark Evans, Mary Fogarty
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 1. Introduction Abstract
Hans Broekhuis, Ralf Vogel
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 2. Derivations and evaluations Abstract
Hans Broekhuis
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 3. Filling in the gaps: PF-optimalization in parasitic gap constructions in Dutch and German Abstract
Gena Chocano, Michael Putnam
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 4. On three types of variation in resumption: evidence in favor of violable and ranked constraints Abstract
Martin Salzmann
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 5. Sources of phonological structure Abstract
John J. McCarthy, Kathryn Pruitt
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 6. Extremely local optimization Abstract
Fabian Heck, Gereon Muller
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 7. Aspect splits and parasitic marking Abstract
Ellen Woolford
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 8. Derivation of Scandinavian Object Shift and remnant VP-topicalization Abstract
Eva Engels, Sten Vikner
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 9. Optimality theory and the minimalist program Abstract
Vieri Samek-Lodovici
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 10. The trivial generator Abstract
Ralf Vogel
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 11. Last resorts: a typology of do-support Abstract
Jane Grimshaw
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 12. Hard and soft conditions on the Faculty of Language: constituting parametric variation Abstract
Hedde Zeijlstra
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering 13. Spell-Out rules: ranked competition of Copy Modification Abstract
Kleanthes Grohmann
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering Index Abstract
Hans Broekhuis, Ralf Vogel
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering Contributors Abstract
Hans Broekhuis
Iconic Books and Texts Contributors Abstract
James W. Watts
Iconic Books and Texts Introduction Abstract
James W. Watts
Iconic Books and Texts Acknowledgements Abstract
James W. Watts
Iconic Books and Texts Author Index Abstract
James W. Watts
Iconic Books and Texts Subject Index Abstract
James W. Watts
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Preface Abstract
Bruce B. Lawrence
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Prologue: Inviting Prophets and Entertaining Comparisons Abstract
Marilyn Waldman †
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Opening a Black Box: Rethinking the Comparative Study of Prophecy Abstract
Marilyn Waldman †
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Comparatively Speaking: Qur’anic Comparison as a Modality of Change Abstract
Marilyn Robinson Waldman
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Beyond Compare: Muhammad as Exemplar and Foil Abstract
Marilyn Robinson Waldman
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Suffering by Comparison Abstract
Lindsay Jones
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Works by Marilyn Robinson Waldman Abstract
Bruce B. Lawrence
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Bibliography Abstract
Bruce B. Lawrence
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison Index Abstract
Bruce B. Lawrence
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Preface with Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 1. Buddhism and Moral World Order Abstract
Kiba Ryohon
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 2. On Zen Buddhsim Abstract
Rudolf Otto
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 3. Dengyo Daishi and German Theology Abstract
Bruno Petzold
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 4. The Unity of Buddhsim Abstract
James Pratt
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 5. Shinran's Concept of Buddhist History Abstract
Soga Ryōjin
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 6. Zen: Its Meaning for Modern Civilization Abstract
Hisamatsu Shin'ichi
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 7. The Awakening of Self in Buddhsim Abstract
Nishitani Keiji
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 8. Introducing Martin Heidegger Abstract
Nishitani Keiji
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 9. Home: The Seven-Hundredth Anniversary of the Town of Messkirch Abstract
Martin Heidegger
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 10. Zen and Compassion Abstract
Abe Masao
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 11. The Stone Bridge of Joshu Abstract
Kondo Akihisa †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 12. The Enlightened Thought Abstract
Kobori Sōhaku †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 13. The "Mind-less" Scholar Abstract
Alan Watts †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 14. Memories of Dr. D.T. Suzuki Abstract
Erich Fromm †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 15. A Personal Tribute Abstract
Edward Conze †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 16. Zen and Philology: On Ui Hakuju and Suzuki Daisetsu Abstract
Ueda Yoshifumi †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 17. D.T. Suzuki and Pure Land Buddhism Abstract
Bando Shojun †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 18. The Concept of the Pure Land Abstract
Kaneko Daiei †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism 19. The Pure Land of Beauty Abstract
Yanagi Sōetsu †
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Appendix 1: Synoptic List of Text Titles Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Appendix 2: Character List for Historical Persons Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Appendix 3: Original Publication Details Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Appendix 4: A Note on The Eastern Buddhist Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Buddhism and Ireland Illustrations Details
Laurence Cox
Buddhism and Ireland Acknowledgements Details
Laurence Cox
Buddhism and Ireland Afterword: The Global Politics of Irish Buddhism Details
Laurence Cox
Buddhism and Ireland Bibliography Details
Laurence Cox
Buddhism and Ireland Index Details
Laurence Cox
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Acknowledgements Details
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain References Details
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Index Details
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Introduction to Functional Grammar Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Register Theory: Field, Mood and Tenor Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Genre: Functional and Formal Components Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Transitivity in Spanish: Ideational Metafunction Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Modality in Spanish: Interpersonal Metafunction Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Texture in Spanish: Textual Metafunction Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Spanish Grammatical Metaphor: Lexico-grammatical Features with Special Emphasis on the Use of Grammatical Metaphor in the Sciences and Humanities Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Latino College Students’ Development of Advanced Literacy in Spanish Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
Gramática Funcional del Español en los EE.UU. Implications and Applications of SFL Text Analysis for the Development of Advanced Literacy Abstract
María Cecelia Colombi
The Five-Minute Linguist Foreword Details
Bret Lovejoy
The Five-Minute Linguist Index Details
E. M. Rickerson
The Five-Minute Linguist Contents Details
E.M. Rickerson
Choice in Language Introduction Abstract
Gerard O'Grady
Choice in Language 2 Choice in a ‘partly free’ press: Evaluative key in Italian journalistic discourse Abstract
Elizabeth Swain
Choice in Language 4 The use of grammatical metaphor in French political tracts Abstract
David Banks
Choice in Language 5 Choices in Tony’s talk: Phonological paragraphing,information unit nexuses and the presentation of tone units Abstract
Gerard O'Grady
Choice in Language 6 Choice and domain: A corpus-based study with special reference to the BNC Baby Abstract
Inas Mahfouz
Choice in Language 8 A probabilistic approach to choice: The impact of contextual factors on the tactic system in research article abstracts Abstract
Akila Sellami-Baklouti
Choice in Language 9 Contentful and contentlight subject themes in informal spoken English and formal written English Abstract
Margaret Berry
Choice in Language 10 The differential patterned occurrence of ellipsis in texts varied for contextual mode: Some support for the ‘mode of discourse-textual metafunction’ hook-up? Abstract
Ben Clarke
Choice in Language 11 Textual and compositional choices in hotel brochures Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
Choice in Language Index Abstract
Gerard O'Grady
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka I. Yinshun: Life and Writings Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka II. Yinshun’s Interpretation of Madhyamaka Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka III. Yinshun’s Study of Da zhidu lun Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka IV. The ‘Yinshunian’ Da zhidu lun in the Post-Yinshun Era Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka Yinshun’s ‘Da zhidu lun zhi zuozhe jiqi fanyi’ Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka I. Selection of Arguments on Madhyamaka Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka II. Interviews and Recordings of Lectures on Madhyamaka Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka III. The New Practitioners of Madhyamaka: Interviews to Yinshun’s Disciples Abstract
Stefania Travagnin
Nick Cave Preface Abstract
Roland Boer
Nick Cave Notes Abstract
Roland Boer
Nick Cave Bibliography and Discography Abstract
Roland Boer
Nick Cave Index of Subjects Abstract
Roland Boer
Nick Cave Index of Names Abstract
Roland Boer
Nick Cave Contents Abstract
Roland Boer
Contrastive Discourse Analysis List of Contributors Abstract
Maite Taboada
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Index Abstract
Maite Taboada
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children List of Tables Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children List of Figures Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children Acknowledgements Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children INTRODUCTION Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR AND VISUAL SOCIAL SEMIOTICS Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children THE WRITER/ILLUSTRATOR AND THE CHILD-VIEWER’S INTERACTION Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children CREATING TEXTUALITY AND COMPOSITIONAL MEANING Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children THE INTERPLAY OF IMAGES AND WORDS TO CREATE TEXTUALITY Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children CONCLUSIONS Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children References Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children Index Abstract
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Acknowledgements Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice About the Authors Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Transcription Conventions Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Glossary of Terms Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice References Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Index of Authors Abstract
Sally Candlin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Index of Subjects Abstract
Sally Candlin
Rufus Wainwright Introduction Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Family Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Western Art Music and Pop: Conflict and Coherence Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Opera, Gender and Sexuality Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Place and Space Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright The Voice Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Conclusion Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright List of Figures and Tables Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Acknowledgements Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Notes Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Bibliography Abstract
Katherine Williams
Rufus Wainwright Index Abstract
Katherine Williams
The Beatles Time and Place Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles On Stage Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Recordings 1962-1965 Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles In the Studio Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Recordings 1966-1970 Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Songwriters Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Images and Identities Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Legacy and Legend Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Acknowledgements Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Introduction Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles References Abstract
Ian Inglis
The Beatles Index Abstract
Ian Inglis
Elvis Roots Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Image Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Comeback Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Phenomenon Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Introduction Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Acknowledgements Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Appendices Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Notes Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Bibliography Abstract
Mark Duffett
Elvis Index Abstract
Mark Duffett
Layering and Directionality Introduction Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Establishing Directional Orientations Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Prosodic Layering Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Alternative Weak Layering Accounts Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Restricting Clash and Lapse Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Accent Windows Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Conclusion Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Dedication Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Preface Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Acknowledgments Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality References Abstract
Brett Hyde
Layering and Directionality Index Abstract
Brett Hyde
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism Preface Abstract
John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 2. The Theory and Practice of Harmonic Serialism Abstract
John J. McCarthy
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 3. Cross-level Interactions in Harmonic Serialism Abstract
John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater, Kathryn Pruitt
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 1. Universal Grammar with Weighted Constraints Abstract
Joe Pater
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 5. Serial Restrictions on Feature/Stress Interactions Abstract
Robert Staubs
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 6. Positional Constraints in Optimality Theory and Harmonic Grammar Abstract
Karen Jesney
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 7. Positive Constraints and Finite Goodness in Harmonic Serialism Abstract
Wendell Kimper
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 9. Stress-epenthesis Interactions in Harmonic Serialism Abstract
Emily Elfner
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 4. Parallelism vs. Serialism, or Constraints vs. Rules? Tongan Stress and Syllabification Revisited Abstract
Minta Elsman
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 10. Compensatory and Opaque Vowel Lengthening in Harmonic Serialism Abstract
Francese Tamarit
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 11. Cyclicity and Non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local Ordering of Phonology and Morphology in OT-CC Abstract
Matthew Wolf
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 13. Convergence Properties of a Gradual Learning Algorithm for Harmonic Grammar Abstract
Paul Boersma, Joe Pater
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 12. Learning Serial Constraint-based Grammars Abstract
Robert Staubs
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism 8. Contexts for Epenthesis in Harmonic Serialism Abstract
Claire Moore-Cantwell
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism Subject Index Abstract
John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater
Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism Language Index Abstract
John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater
From Trainee to Teacher Teaching: A Profession that Eats its Young Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'Forget all you Learned at ____': Role of Teacher Education Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher From Trainee to Teacher: The Transition Shock Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'The First Week is Like you are in a Swamp': Developing Awareness Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'Here's the Book, Go Teach': Managing the Classroom Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'It was Very Dry': Evaluating Lessons Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'I Want to be Me': Role Identity Development Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'You Put your Personal Stamp on It': Reflecting on Teaching Style Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'Remember All you Learned at ____': Reflective Practice within Teacher Education Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher 'I Liked Hearing Other Ideas': Reflective Practice during the First Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher References Abstract
Thomas Farrell
From Trainee to Teacher Index Abstract
Thomas Farrell
The Black Sea in Prehistory Studying the Black Sea in Prehistory Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory Social Relations, Semiotics, and Emergence in Archaeology Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory Pottery-making Practices and Black Sea Communities Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory The Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age: Interaction and Emergence Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory The Middle and Late Bronze Ages: The Dis-integration at the Periphery of Internationalism Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory The Early Iron Age: Re-emergence of Contact on the Eve of Colonization Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory The Black Sea and the Question of “Indo-European” origins Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
The Black Sea in Prehistory Black and White: Cycles of interaction in the Bronze Age Mediterranean and Black Seas Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Abbreviations Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Sanskrit Letters and their Pronunciation Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Preface Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Introduction Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Background to Yoga Philosophy Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Yoga in the Texts of the Veda Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga The Sramanic Traditions: Jainism and Buddhism Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga The Epics and the Bhagavad Gita Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga The Orthodox Philosophical Systems Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Sectarian Developments: Saivism, Saktism and Tantra Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Modern Yoga Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Some Reflections on the Psychology of Yoga Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Whither Modern Yoga in the West? Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Appendix: Shifting Paradigms in Modern Yoga Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Notes Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Bibliography Abstract
Peter Connolly
A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga Index Abstract
Peter Connolly
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Introduction: Personal architectures Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Lifetimes Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Creating space: Temple biographies from Thebes Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Biographical networks in Nubian temples Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Performances Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Tomb biographies Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Biography and Presence in Late New Kingdom Egypt Approaching innovation Abstract
Elizabeth Frood
Falco and Beyond 9 The 1980s: the stories of Brill(i)ant(in) Brutal Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Foreword Abstract
J.R. Martin
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Genre Studies and Language in Education Abstract
Luciana de Oliveira, Joshua Iddings
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Young writers' attempts at making meaning through complex sentence structures while writing a variety of genres Abstract
María Estela Brisk, Marla De Rosa
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Tackling a genre: situating SFL genre pedagogy in a new context Abstract
Mary Schleppegrell, Jason Moore, Shireen Al-Adeimi, Catherine O'Halloran, Annemarie Palincsar, Carrie Symons
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Elementary grade teachers using systemic functional linguistics to inform genre-based writing instruction Abstract
Frank Daniello
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Genre-based principles in a content-based English as a second language classroom Abstract
Jaime Ramírez
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach to Teaching Literary Narratives: Semiotic Resource in Generating Critical Language Awareness Abstract
Ruth Harman, Amber Simmons
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Teaching the Book Review: An SFL Approach Abstract
Benjamin Boche
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Filling in the Gaps: Genre as a Scaffold to the Text Types of the Common Core State Standards Abstract
Michael Maune, Marshall Klassen
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Standardized assessments for English language learners: implications of differing expectations Abstract
Deedra Arvin, Dominique Lowery Franklin
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Writing a dissertation proposal: genre expectations Abstract
Joshua Iddings, Shu-Wen Lan, Luciana de Oliveira
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum List of contributors Abstract
Luciana de Oliveira, Joshua Iddings
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Index Abstract
Luciana de Oliveira
Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Prelims/Dedication Abstract
Luciana de Oliveira, Joshua Iddings
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Village Communities: Rethinking Power and Periphery Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk A Medieval Mosaic in the Western Sudan Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk In Search of Bambuk Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Everyday Life in the Land of Gold Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Materializing Interaction: Architecture and Artifacts Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Spaces of Interaction: Houses and Quarters Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Depositional Histories I: The East Quarter Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Depositional Histories II: The West Quarter and Chronology Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Landscape and Interaction Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Acknowledgements Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Assembling the Medieval Village Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Globalized Communities: Perspectives from Prehistory Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk List of Figures Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk List of Tables Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk References Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk Index Abstract
Cameron Gokee
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 2 The World of Worldviews Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 3 Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Compared Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 4 Playing with Perspectives Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Introduction Abstract
Anton van Harskamp
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 7 Fieldwork on Language: Artists Express their Worldviews Abstract
Rhea Hummel
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 8 Fieldwork on Morality: Gossip and Secrets Abstract
Kim Knibbe
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Introduction Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 10 The Future of New Worldview Studies Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 11 Epilogue: Studying Religion as our Intimate Stranger Abstract
Anton van Harskamp
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Acknowledgements Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Bibliography Abstract
André Droogers
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Index Abstract
André Droogers
Everyday Humanism Bibliography Abstract
Dale McGowan, Anthony B. Pinn
Everyday Humanism Index Abstract
Dale McGowan, Anthony B. Pinn
Everyday Humanism Acknowledgements Abstract
Dale McGowan, Anthony B. Pinn
Everyday Humanism 11. On Thinking about an Advance Care Directive Abstract
Katrina Scott
Prince My Name is Prince and I Am Funky Abstract
Annie Potts
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 1. The Circulation of Ideas and Techniques: Archaeology and Archaeological Science in 21st Century Anthropology Abstract
David L. Peterson, John V. Dudgeon, Carolyn Freiwald
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 3. Made to Move? A Consideration of Pipe Circulation among Native Groups in the Middle Atlantic (A.D. 1000-1600) Abstract
Elizabeth Bollwerk, Jeff Speakman, Nicole Little
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 4. On the Hoof: The Expansion of States and the Circulation of Animals in Third Millennium B.C. Upper Mesopotamia Abstract
Phillip Trella
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 6. Geochemical Characterization of Obsidian Networks at Chavín de Huántar, Peru Abstract
Jamie Anderson
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 7. Linking Chronologies and Archaeological Interpretations Using Distal Tephrochronology: A Case Study from the West Fjords, Iceland Abstract
Ling-yu Hung, Jianfeng Cui
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 8. The Circulation of Majiayao Painted Pottery Production in late Neolithic northwestern China with LA-ICP-AES Abstract
Lisa Niziolek
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 9. A Geochemical Study of Earthenware Production and Distribution in the Protohistoric Philippines Abstract
Carolyn Freiwald
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 10. Maya Migration Networks: A Comparison of Patterns of Population Movement in the Belize River Valley, Vaca Plateau, and Maya Mountains Abstract
Kristina Killgrove
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 11. Caput mundi: Paths of Circulation in the Roman Empire Abstract
Kristina Killgrove
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 12. Trace Elements, Residues and DNA Microsatellite Data in Archaeological Mobility Studies: Evaluating Demographic Barriers to Panmixia in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Abstract
John V. Dudgeon, Amy Commendador, Monica Tromp
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 5. The Social Death of Things: An Archaeological Inquiry into the Foreign Exchanges and the Rote of Ritual De-Commoditization in Ancient Magan Abstract
Daniel Contreras, Kristin Nado
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration -- An Introduction Abstract
Lene Melheim, Håkon Glørstad, Zanette Glørstad
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 1. The Development of the Early Mesolithic Social Networks during the Settlement of Virgin Lands in the Eastern Baltic Sea Zone -- Interpreted through Comparison of Two Sites in Finland Abstract
Aivar Kriiska, Tapani Rostedt, Timo Jussila
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 2. The Sicilian World after the Punic Wars: The Greek Colony in a New Reality Abstract
Roksana Chowaniec
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 3. When the Romans Arrived in Sardinia: Three Case Studies -- Cornus, Olbia and Nora Abstract
Cristina Nervi
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 4. Yakut Food Producers Colonising Areas Occupied by Evenk Hunter-gatherers: Fragments of a Process of Cultural Change Caused by Migration Abstract
Ole Grøn
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 5. Past Mirrors: Thucydides, Sahlins and the Bronze and Viking Ages Abstract
Zanette Glørstad, Lene Melheim
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 6. Nothing to Lose: Waterborne Raiding in Southern Scandinavia Abstract
Christian Horn
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 7. Migration, Identity and Material Culture: Hanseatic Translocality in the Medieval Baltic Sea Abstract
Magdalena Naum
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 12. Long-term Cosmological Interconnectedness and Long-distance Trade: Cosmology and Comparative Advantage in the Bronze Age and Beyond Abstract
Mike Rowlands, Johan Ling
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 10. Exploring New Territories, Expanding Frontiers: Bowmen and Prospectors on the Scandinavia Peninsula in the Third Millennium BC Abstract
Lene Melheim, Christopher Prescott
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 11. Spreading Ideas: Late Bronze Age Face-urn Burials across Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea Abstract
Jutta Kneisel
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 9. Bronze Age Vikings? A Comparative Analysis of Deep Historical Structures and Their Dynamics Abstract
Kristian Kristiansen
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 13. In the Footsteps of the Vikings: Children and Cultural Change Abstract
Dawn Hadley
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 14. Thoughts of a Comparativist on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration Abstract
Matthew Spriggs
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration 8. Pirates of the North Sea: The Viking Ship as Political Space Abstract
Neil Price
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration List of Figures Details
Lene Melheim, Håkon Glørstad, Zanette Glørstad
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration List of Tables Details
Lene Melheim, Håkon Glørstad, Zanette Glørstad
Comparative Perspectives on Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration Index Details
Lene Melheim, Håkon Glørstad, Zanette Glørstad
Empirical Translation Studies 1. A corpus-based study of metaphor in translation Abstract
Mark Shuttleworth
Empirical Translation Studies 7. 'Well' as a discourse marker in learner inter-lingual subtitles Abstract
Anna Baczkowska
Empirical Translation Studies 9. Constrained meaning construction and attention re-allocation Abstract
Mikolaj Deckert
Empirical Translation Studies 3. A corpus-assisted stylistic analysis of metaphor through the prism of translated poetry Abstract
Iraklis Pantopolous
Empirical Translation Studies 6. On semantic differences between translated and non-translated Dutch. Using bidirectional parallel corpus data for measuring and visualizing distances between lexemes in the semantic field of inceptiveness Abstract
Lore Vandevoorde, Gert De Sutter, Koen Plevoets
Empirical Translation Studies Contributors Abstract
Meng Ji
Empirical Translation Studies Introduction Abstract
Meng Ji
Empirical Translation Studies Index Abstract
Meng Ji
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 2 The Referred Consultation Abstract
Sarah J. White, Maria Stubbe, Lindsay MacDonald, Tony Dowell, Kevin Dew, Rod Gardner
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 3 Doing Patient-Centred Consultations: Some Challenges for International Medical Graduates Abstract
Lynda Yates, Maria Dahm
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 5 Breaking Informed Consent: Strategies for Risk Communication in Surgical Practice Abstract
Maria Dahm, Israel Berger
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 6 . Do Surgeons Want to Operate? Negotiating the Treatment Plan in Surgical Consultations Abstract
Maria Stubbe, Sarah J. White, Lindsay MacDonald, Tony Dowell, Rod Gardner, Kevin Dew
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 7 Negotiating Treatment Recommendations in Orthopaedic Surgery Consultations Abstract
Shannon Clark, Pamela Hudak
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 9 Operating Together: The Collective Achievement of Surgical Action Abstract
Lorenza Mondada
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 8 Transactions Between Matter and Meaning: Surgical Contexts and Symbolic Action Abstract
David Butt, Alison Moore, John Cartmill
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 12 Who's Who?: Constructing Roles During Minor Awake Surgeries Abstract
Israel Berger, Sarah J. White
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 13 Toward a Language of Operative Surgery Abstract
John Cartmill, David Butt
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 14 Inter-Professional Clinical Handovers in Surgical Practice Abstract
Peter Roger, Maria Dahm, John Cartmill, Lynda Yates
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 15 Open Disclosure in Surgical Practice Abstract
Stewart Dunn
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 16 Clinical Communication Education for Surgeons Abstract
Suzanne Kurtz
Communication in Surgical Practice Examining communication in surgical practice Abstract
Sarah J. White, John Cartmill
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 10 “Coming Up!”: Why Verbal Acknowledgement Matters in the Operating Theatre Abstract
Terhi Korkiakangas, Sharon-Marie Weldon, Jeff Bezemer, Roger Kneebone
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 11 Lovers, Wrestlers, Surgeons: a Contextually Motivated View of Interpersonal Engagement and Body Alignment in Surgical Interaction Abstract
Alison Moore
Communication in Surgical Practice Index Abstract
Sarah J. White
Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE) Introduction Abstract
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger
Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE) Methodological Approach Abstract
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger
Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE) The Archaeology of Death and Burial Abstract
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger
Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE) Burial Practices in the Hebrew Literature (Bible) and Burial Inscriptions from Late Bronze to the Persian period Abstract
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger
Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE) Conceptions of Death and Afterlife Abstract
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Acknowledgements Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Prologue Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Language in nature and culture Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Exploring the naturalness of natural languages Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language The paradox of languages without a Faculty of Language Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Characterizing cultivated languages Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language The mismeasure of language diversity Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Natural and cultivated languages: A necessary distinction Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language References Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Index of Names Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Index of Subjects Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language Index of Languages Abstract
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis The Structure of Ceramic Analysis: Multiple Scales and Instruments in the Analysis of Production Abstract
Alan F. Greene, Charles W. Hartley
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis From Texture to Temper: A Multi-scalar Approach to Identifying Variation in Clay Preparation Strategies Abstract
MaryFran Heinsch
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Ceramic Production and Society in the Late Majiayao Culture of Northwest China Abstract
Michele Koons, Jade D’alpoim Guedes
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Coiling on the Wheel: The Sociopolitical Implications of a Particular Formation Technique in Bronze Age Crete Abstract
Ina Berg
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Laterality and Directionality in Pottery Painting and Coiling Abstract
Kathryn MacFarland
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis From Structure to Composition and Back: Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography; Some Cases for Anthropological Contemplation Abstract
Charles W. Hartley, Alan F. Greene, Paula Doumani
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis X-ray Fluoroscopy in Your Own Backyard: A Method for Analyzing Ceramic Formation Techniques Abstract
Erin Hegberg, Philip Heintz
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis (Ceramic) Structure and (Communities of) Practice in the Bronze Age Black Sea Abstract
Alexander A. Bauer
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Producing Structure: The Role of Ceramic Production in Understanding Chaco-period Communities in the American Southwest Abstract
Andrew Duff
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Conclusion: A New Search for Structure Abstract
Alan F. Greene, Charles W. Hartley
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Foreword Abstract
Heather Lechtman
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis What a Difference Structure Makes: Material Styles of Syrian Caliciform Ware Identified through Ceramic Petrography Abstract
Sarah Graff
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis List of Figures and Tables Details
Alan F. Greene, Charles W. Hartley
Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis Index Details
Alan F. Greene, Charles W. Hartley
Academic Writing Step by Step The Popularized Research Article Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Titles, Lead Summaries, and Overviews Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Article Body and Conclusion Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Summarizing and Reporting Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step The Explanatory Synthesis Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step The Critique and the Persuasive Synthesis Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Logical Fallacies Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Documentation of Sources Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step What Goes on Inside the Writer's Head Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step What Goes on Inside the Beginner Writer's Head Abstract
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Series Editor's Preface Abstract
Martha Pennington
Academic Writing Step by Step How To Use This Book Abstract
Christopher N Candlin † , Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Academic Writing Step by Step Index Abstract
Christopher N Candlin † , Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim
Textbook Gods Theoretical Perspectives on Textbooks/Textbooks in Religious Studies Research Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen
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